Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Inner Call

The edge of the precipice
The sheer drop of height
The dip of my heart
The tear in my eye

A call to the skies
A plea carried by the winds
A tremor in my soul
A cry against all of the lies

To stand against the storm
To fight the inner call
To wade into still waters
To like a dove transform

It’s the reason to cease
It’s the desire to carry on
It’s the fire that melts
It’s the moment for a sweet release.


  1. So heartfelt...I know this feeling. Love it!

  2. nice...what inspired you to type these stanzas?

  3. I loved it. but the following lines are only because I have read your blog for a long time now. I am always reading posts when you are done with an event. Your posts are mostly of the triumph. Talk us through the pain and the other feelings too. Want to know that part of you! Just a suggestion. Honestly, your blog says soo much about you as a person :) And I am not pointing fingers at you -- I think I should write about my triumphs more cause it looks like I end up writing mostly about the tribulations. :)

  4. Thanks guys!
    @Anu: This one was a tribulation piece but I see what you're saying. Thing is, I always have a happy ending to every mood...that's the way it is for me. That's my conclusion. So even though I address other feelings, they follow a natural trajectory to a triumphant end. Though I will it a shot...thanks for pointing it out!

  5. Thank you for writing "me" in the first three para's. i need to get to para 4- but its right now in the lowest point of the sine wave! SOmehow reminds me of the song killing me softly- this piece feels as uncanny!
