Growing older definitely doesn't make us wiser. I know you've all figured this out and wondering why you should read this post....I get it. But ever wondered why that is?
I think we're not getting wiser because our brains are functioning at greater efficiency in our 20s and thinking makes us stupid. You see, we've all got a hidden Freud within us and we analyse, psychoanalyse, pre-guess, post-guess and dissect everything in our daily lives. We have reasons for why a friend didn't call us, we have reasons for why our colleague was pissed off today, we have reasons for why our parents forgot our birthday and we have reasons for everything that is actually quite innocent.
We've forgotten to forgive and forget. We've simply forgotten to smile and let it go. An apology is never a simple apology anymore...we take our time, we sulk, we emotionally gauge how sincere the apology was and by the time we decide to forgive's too late. It's too late for there not be any scars coz you see the other person is an adult as well who isn't going to let go easily. Grrrr!
It was so simple when we were beautiful...we were so wise. It's like we come into the world, grow older and lose our wisdom in our eternal search to find it. As kids, as teens...if someone pushes you down, you either push them down too and laugh about it, or cry and run to momma and forget about it, or complain to your teach and forget about it, or simply laugh it goes away quickly and funnily enough you're back at the same playground the next day playing with the same person...accepting them who they are and everything in the world is perfect! Even as teens...we cry, we judge, we shout...but ultimately we work it least most of the times. Why was it so easy to forgive and forget then? How come we just overlooked not being waved at or invited to a party? I'm not saying that was right...all I'm saying is that that was happier and simpler.
Doesn't that make it wise?